DEAR READERS ----------------------

This is a one stop created for readers especially those who seek information on health and general well being. It will update from time to time in order to provides useful relevant information. Some of the articles will be written by me and most of them are written by the chosen health experts. I am inspired to create this blog as I myself am facing with few minor health problems. In a way, by having this blog, somehow it will keep sane and reminds myself that there are millions of ways to improve your health, and it will be great if I could share all these valuable and priceless information to the world.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Insights into Diet and Health

The sense of taste, in its higher, more refined state, is capable of discerning what the body most needs at any given time. However, when blunted or debased, it discerns not what is wholesome in a given moment, but what is tasty, or even what will feed a health-undermining craving.
A de-based sense of taste can be redeemed, returned to its higher purpose.

There are different times of the day when the body craves different elements. It varies with each individual, but there is also a general pattern.
In the morning, the body most craves whole grain; at noon raw vegetables; in the evening lightly cooked vegetables, with greens as a staple nutrient-bearer.

The more “live” a vegetable or fruit is, the more enhanced is its etheric energy, the life force of the plant world. However, predominantly raw food diets are met best by a healthy etheric force in the individual eating them. If one’s etheric is depleted, by either a temporary, or long-term ailment, lightly cooked foods are easier to assimilate. For most people a balance of raw and cooked works best.

Experiments with live foods (raw, sprouted, and such) show that graying hair can be reversed. Also, there are numerous accounts of the reversal of debilitating illnesses.

Plants can be looked at as the inverse of the human form.

Root - head
Stem, leaves, - rhythmic system
Flowers, fruits - metabolic

If a person is suffering from an ailment that resides principally in the head region - headaches, etc - then the body will benefit from ingesting more root vegetables. If the lungs or heart are an issue, then more of leafy and stem parts of the plant. And if the issue entails the metabolic organs, or limb system, then the body can benefit from more fruits and “flower” vegetable portions - such as broccoli, cauliflower, etc.

The potato is not a root, but a tuber. Roots are far more optimal for nutrient needs.
The potato feeds a part of the brain that causes one to become more materialistic in one’s thinking. Further, potatoes are debilitating in a general way, and also specifically debilitating for eyesight. One would make out better if one ate the skins of potatoes and threw away the white portions - but unfortunately, the other way around is the usual custom.

Mass meat products, including “prison-raised” chickens, pigs, beef, and other crowded and abused species, carry negative karma for those engaged in the trade, support, or consumption. Is it really worth it to buy such products on the basis of “it’s cheaper”?

Further, the “cheaper” turns out to be quite the opposite - when one considers overall costs to health and shortfall of nutrients per volume purchased.

In the end, both the karmic price and the health price is exponentially higher than the monetary price.

for more info, fell free to visit the writer's website.

1 comment:

  1. hi, i am henry ong,newbie on the blog.i blog about health things also.
